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Westside Creeks Oral History Project

Alazon Creek


What is the Westside Creeks oral history project?

The Westside Creeks oral history project is an opportunity for those who have lived or played along San Antonio’s Alazán, Apache, Martinez, and San Pedro creeks to share their history and lived experience. The San Antonio River Authority is conducting this effort to supplement the ongoing federal ecosystem restoration project and collect untold stories.

What does the process involve?

Residents are invited to share their story and may be contacted for an in-person interview. If you are interested in interviewing, please fill out the form with your contact information. For residents who want to participate but do not want to interview in person, please answer the questions below in 250 words or fewer to be included in the project record.

How will the stories recorded be used?

Interviews will be transcribed and translated into English and Spanish. These transcripts, plus any written submissions, will be added to UTSA Libraries’ San Antonio River Authority Collection. Additionally, stories may be used to inform the narrative of the federal ecosystem restoration project’s interpretive panels throughout the project.

If you have any questions about the form or the process, please contact us or send us an email at westsidecreeks@sariverauthority.org